Roasted Vegetables


I love vegetables in almost every shape and form. I seriously think that there are vegetables included in every meal that I eat, even though it’s not always visible to the naked eye (i.e. blended in the food somehow).

One of the easiest, fastest, yummiest, and maybe healthiest (not sure about this one) ways to consume vegetables is roasting them in the oven. That’s a wonderful solution when you feel lazy or don’t have time, but still want to eat well.

All it takes is a vegetable that you like, olive oil, salt and pepper, and you’re good to go.

Prep time is 5-10 minutes, depending on the vegetable. Preheat oven to 375F (on either bake or roast).

Slice/cube/wedge (or any other verb of your choice) the vegetable and place in a large bowl. Drizzle with some olive oil, sprinkle some salt and pepper, mix it all well, and transfer into a baking pan covered with tin foil.

roasted veggies in oven

Roast in the oven until the vegetables look crispy and browned. Roasting time may vary depending on the vegetable, so you’re better off roasting each vegetable separately.

Yes, you could mix different veggies together, and get fancy with some chopped fresh herbs, or exotic spices….but that’s for another post 🙂

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